Monday, January 20, 2014

Discovering 2014: Countertop Pendants

Discovering 2014 is a personal goal to complete a daily project throughout the year!

My day 20 project was Countertop Pendants. This is a project I actually had started quite some time ago. I had picked up a few of the countertop sample cards from the hardware store last summer and painted over the words on the back, then used Mod Podge over the paint (pictured below). That process had taken me a few nights, giving ample drying time between each, and then I simply put them away without finishing my idea.

Finishing them up was simple: large jump ring, pendant or other decorative object to go with the countertop piece, and a necklace cord.

I decided to try wrapping one in embroidery floss as well, since the above pendants (while very pretty!) didn't take very long. This took extraordinarily longer, especially since me wrapping horizontally ended poorly, causing me to have to unwrap and re-wrap the entire thing.

Below is a picture of the front (on left) and back (on right) of the countertop piece after I completed the vertical wrapping. The front looks awesome, but if I wrap another one I may incorporate some glue so the back lays nicely as well. In all, I used about three-quarters of a skein (the color is from the Prism Tie-Dye pack).

Tomorrow's project is Pen & Pencil Savers! Will this mean my children may find it more difficult to steal my writing utensils? Stay tuned to find out!

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